Excerpt from Einstein 'The Meaning of Relativity' + Comment - Post 1 here today @ 4:21 PM CST - 2/9/17

02/09/2017 16:20

Logged in Fairbank IA around 3:30 PM CST today - 2/9/17.

Excerpt from Einstein 'The Meaning of Relativity' + Comment

"In my opinion the theory represented here (general relativity) is the logically simplest relativistic field theory which is at all possible. But this does not mean that nature might not obey a more complex field theory." (this excerpt is from page 164 of 'The Meaning of Relativity' - which is the 3rd to the last page of the book - in summation).

Einstein states that nature may obey a more complex field theory. Furthermore, he follows on page 165 with:

"Is it conceivable that a field theory permits one to understand the atomistic and quantum structure of reality ? Almost everybody will answer this question with "no."

Einstein is saying that the equations in the book he just wrote - and is summarizing - do not actually represent nature and its complexity.

Here Einstein outlines that he does not see his theory as absolute truth - but as the best field theory possible (with the given knowledge and rules of science - at the time):

"At the present time the opinion prevails that a field theory must first, by "quantization," be transformed into a statistical theory of field probabilities according to more or less established rules. I see in this method only an attempt to describe relationships of an essentially nonlinear character by linear methods."

(note: I like that Einstein used quotes around words throughout his book. Ive read this book before, but just noticing how he used the quotes around words)

Einstein even addresses here - that he is describing "relationships of an essentially nonlinear character by linear methods."

The 'time' we invented - to measure relative change - is linear. We measure from one tic of the clock to the next. However, nature does not work that way. Nature's time is dimensionless - an ever-evolving moment. Our conscious minds - need to make things linear - in order to understand the relative change events.

The reason general relativity has limitations (dark matter, singularities) - is that no mathematical equation can actually describe nature - it can only estimate nature - or provide a map projection of nature. All 2D map projections have limitations - because they eliminate the 3rd dimension of space.

General relativity is limited - because it includes a dimension ('Time') - to make things linear for our consciousness to understand - but which does not exist in Nature.

Removing the dimension of 'Time' from General Relativity - removes the singularity problem at the center of a (cosmic recycling center). However, in removing 'time' - we remove our ability to comprehend the relative change taking place. Without the tic-toc, we cannot write mathematical equations which approximate nature.


Correction/clarification from yesterday.

I said that the gravitational attraction expressed in Space-Interaction theory was exponential. Thats not necessarily so - but it is accelerated through Compound Gravity (gravity enhanced gravity).

Also, collective gravity is manifest in each and every star and object within the galaxy. What I said yesterday - made it seem as if the collective gravity was only expressed nearing the event horizon. It is compounded much more nearing the Cosmic Recycling Center - but the collective gravity is expressed to a lesser extent at each star and object within the galaxy.