Dusk on the River - new poem - logging out @ 4:54 PM CST - 2/9/17

02/09/2017 16:30

Dusk on the River
poem I wrote – 2/3/17 @ 7:20 PM CST

Brown light – in its infinite gage
drapes golden over substrate -
faces of trees - turning their façade.
Scale so gradual – the change is not seen
but noticed.

Ice lay like large shards -
broken by freeze and thaw -
and freeze.
Hard cold snaps it back together.
Water riffles yet below.
The slow-motion fish breathe.

Winter layered itself
week over week
in its push-push pull
to cover all it touches.

Fox, deer, coon - lay their feet
down to leave a trail
over the river
in a micro-layer of snowy flour.
The river flashes back
to how they moved through -
when and in what order –
thepersonality they brought –
the pauses they took.

A river is not water,
but everything there.

(once again - this is a poem about a sunset on the trees - so dont be reading your sick fantasies into it)