
'Musk startup - is Frankenstein-Ion' (Ion is intentional)

03/28/2017 20:33

'Musk startup - is Frankenstein-Ion'  (Ion is intentional)

Death penalty is needed - for any person or corporation or government leader - who uses nanotech / micro-tech (of any kind) on anyone without the individual's highly-docomented authorization.  This needs to be done - now.

I think this has likely already happened - nanotech / microtech in human brains - linked to computers through air saturated with metal particulates via wifi.  Power mongers are always 5 - 20 years ahead of the public in technology.

I would never think about giving permission to anyone to place nanotech or micro-tech in my body.  But people need to understand - that if we do not quickly install very harsh penalites (including the death penalty) for this - power mongers could be inside our heads.

It can be mass distributed as well.   All they need to do is to put it in a batch of milk or soft drink - and its in your system.   The risk with this stuff is now - and the harshest penalties must be instituted - and quickly.

NSA, FBI, CIA - you better all be hearing every single thing this guy (and everyone else involved in nanotech of this nature) is saying - considering the surveillance youre allowing on me  (who is broke and done nothing wrong).

This is risk of the highest order and magnitude - to every single citizen in America.  It you are in congress and do not act on this - you are are a moron or cannot call yourself an American.

'The CMB and dark flow - in classic theory vs. Space-Interaction theory'

03/28/2017 14:18

'The CMB and dark flow - in classic theory vs. Space-Interaction theory'

( I believe the subtitle to the article may have been changed since I posted this.   Im not positive, but I dont remember it referencing siblings.  It is possible I missed it, so Im not sure.  Strange if I didnt miss it. )

Dont be spooked by the term dark flow.   I didnt come up with it.   It has no meaning other than what it does - it pulls distant galaxies in directions (not predicted) by classic theories which combine theoretical expansion and a theoretical big bang event.

In Space Interaction theory - the CMB (cosmic microwave background) is seen as a projection of the filament structure of the Universe - especially beyond the visible horizon - which stands at about 14 billion light years.  In classic, accepted theory this is due to the Universe being this age from a theoretical big bang event.

The CMB has long been used as the main evidence for a big bang event.   The CMB 3D map is classically (interpreted) as a plotting of hot gases left over from a theoretical big bang event - where the very minute fluctuations in the amount/strength of microwave radiation emitted from an area of the universe - is (interpreted) as being emitted from areas where gases are left over from this theoretical big bang - and are just slightly hotter in certain areas - than in other areas.

However, if visible light erodes down to infrared and then microwave as it loses energy - as it travels billions of light years through the fog of space (gravity, dust, gas, EM fields, ice, and possibly some of what scientists call dark energy) - as it does in Space-Interaction theory - then these small fluctiations in the amount/strength of microwaves in the CMB - would rather be a projection of areas where more (or less) infrared radiation (much of it eroded from light waves/particles) falls down into microwave radiation.   The 3D CMB map in this case, is a representation of the filament structure of the Universe - especially that which lies beyond the visible horizon - and not areas of very minute temperature fluctiations in hot gas left over from a 14 billion year old theoretical big bang event. 

In Space-Interaction theory, the visible horizon (the observable Universe) is at a distance from Earth - which is the average distance where light erodes through the fog of space (dust, gas, ice, gravity, EM fields, wave interference, etc.).   This explains why the most distant galaxies appear to be 'infant' galaxies.  The light we receive from them - is so eroded, that we cannot make out their proper shape.  For instance, the spiral arms of spiral galaxies - would be so eroded they could not be distinguished from that distance.

The red-shift of the most distant visible galaxies would be explained by a combination of the pull of distant galaxy clusters (observed as 'dark flow' in 2008) and the erosion of light waves through the fog of space (Space Interaction theory contends that current optics calculations are not correct - and that light actually erodes at an average rate through the fog of space) - since mass-energy is distributed (fairly evenly) in all directions from Earth.

I contend that this deterioration (combination of losing energy and scatter) of EM radiation - is why we can see 14 billion light years in all directions - due to light erosion through the fog of space - and not because of a theoretical big bang event which supposedly happened 14 billion years ago (why classic theories propose we see 14 billion light years in all directions from Earth).

Why would we not think light erodes over 14 billion light years ?   We accept auto headlights can only penetrate a few hundred yards through fog.  Why would we not think that light also erodes through 14 billion light years - where it encounters dust, gas, ice, gravity, EM fields, wave interference, and etc. ?

'Artificial blood mass produced for the first time'

03/28/2017 10:54

(for article on artificial blood - click link at bottom of page)

Artificial blood
Artificial hearts

Nanotech instruments
as small as cells...
dropped like a mickey in your drink

Ionized air -
by metal particulates
from low flying jets
link via air - to your brain

Elon Musk
merging servers - with minds

Without moral stands
humanity will be split
between robots
and power mongers


03/28/2017 09:59



I do not use my old smartphone for communication.   Ive stated this many times, but getting indications again about it.  It is a Motorola Electrify - and has no service.   If it is being used - it is somehow being hacked (and turned on remotely) by the sabotage network of hackers.   I only use my old Motorola Quantico through US Cellular - which Ive had that service for over a decade.   The last text I sent was to my mom on March 17 when they left to go visit my 'half sister' Marcia Starbuck-Pearson.  The only people Ive called in the last two weeks - is the website company for my account - and my mom.



Heard something about - that I dont actually have a child.

I have one child that I know of -  born Austin William Delucia(his mother gave him the name of her ex-husband - just one example of how uncooperative she was).   I dont even know if Austin has changed his name - but I believe he was using the last name of the guy who was with his mother as he grew up.   The last time I was able to see him - was when he was right at a year old.   My ex was not a cooperative parent.   The only time I was able to visit him - she was there.  

I know for sure he is my child - as there was a dna test done after.  And I have child support records as well.  If any other children are mine - I dont know about them.  There is no physical possibility that Ive fathered a child in the last 2 years - (with an extremely remote possibility if one was born in April of 2016 - which I heard nothing about).

Ive tried since he was a teen to communicate with Austin - but he has avoided wanting to meet up.  Ive not tried to contact him for a couple of years now.   He is 21 years old.

Evan Walker - is my ex-fiancee Jennifer Walker's (now Smith) son.   I was his dad between 2 1/2 and 10 years old.   He is now 13.  He is not my biological son.


Im in no way LGBT or Q.  Ive had to state this constantly - because its the number one framing technique of the sabotage network - led by power mongers.   Ive never worn any womens clothing - nor wanted to.   Im not gay.   Im not bisexual.   Im only a heterosexual male (both biolocally and because Im only attracted to females).   Whatever else you hear - is sabotage network framing, and staging Hollywood-style.


Ive never abused any of my girlfriends in any way.   If any of them say that - they are lying for attention or revenge (because they were hurt that I broke up with them).  Or I never dated them in the first place.  Ive gotten some indication that there are sabotage network actors saying I dated them or had contact with them in some way. 


Ive not been in any court rooms for any reason lately.   No lawsuits.   So if someone is pretending to be me - it is a criminal imposter.  


Ive never signed a contract of any kind - in regard to my writing, my theory, my inventions, or my likeness.  In other words - Ive never signed a contract - that offers any part of me - for any reason.   If this is being claimed - these are the ripoff artists connected to the sabotage network.

'If you use your 'safe space' platform to call me a Snowflake'

03/28/2017 08:14

'If you use your 'safe space' platform to call me a Snowflake'

Anybody who wants to call me a snowflake - for writing about my sisters suicide - call me a fu@king snowflake.

And if you dont like my poetry ?   I really dont give a shit.  My poetry is for those who might benefit from it.


But if youre calling me a snowflake for a poem about my sisters suicide, or being hit by directed energy weapons, or my life being sabotaged, or my PTSD - I doubt if you'd say it to my face.  Live my life of being targeted for years on end, 24 hours a day - and then get out your little word daggers.

If you intended me as a target - in saying these things - then you are the coward - not I. 

Come to my face and say it if thats what you intend - dont use the cover of distant, indirect attacks without any risk to yourself.   You might get to coin a new term if you do "I got knocked out by a snowflake"

Really think about what youre saying if you intend me in this - regarding the subjects Ive listed.   Then ask yourself if youre a propagandist as well as a coward.

Peace, Surveiilance

03/28/2017 01:47

Sometimes its nice to think that I might have rather lived my life out on a lake far away from most people most of the time.  Nothing against any one of you individually.   Just in general.

Privacy is so important to have peace - in any capacity.

Surveillance - is in many ways - the opposite of peace.

Only power mongers benefit from too much surveillance of citizens.

Your Voice - new poem I just wrote

03/28/2017 00:36

(poem in progress @ 11:29 PM CST 3/27/17)

The lights are out downstairs
The lights are out outside


Coldplay's 'The Scientist' begins
its inflation -
opening a rift
to the rippling of memories

I imagine your ashes
through the high square windows
dust themselves across the stars

and the notes you gave as gifts to children
through piano keys - and song -
dance with your particles
like every color of light -
to arrive on this side
as white

like the white flowers I wrote about
not long after - you leapt
over the bridge cables
and your voice slipped away
into the vacuum of space

I was thousands of miles away
too far to catch you
too far to know about
this kind of trouble

I remember
a hundred times
we laughed together
all at once

And then
your face
the last couple of times
I saw you -
troubled -
maybe weary

I was a conch then
lost, and immune to the world -
not knowing my own power
to see
or to try
to grab the wheel for you

You parked your car there
on the bridge
and left everything in the world
just as it was

I wonder if you know
you pulled me down there
with you then

I wonder if you know
how much it hurt to learn
what a vacuum really is -

the loss of your voice -
to stardust -
where forever
is not a big enough word

This is about my sister Tracy Lea Heineman - who died January 2003 due to suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.   Was watching / listening to a video of Coldplay from Glastonbury 2011 that I dvr-ed a couple days ago.  I listened to a lot of Coldplay after my sister's suicide.  And the song 'The Scientist' always hits me particularly hard. 

My sister worked for Scientific American for a period of time, and the video of 'The Scientist' was a car accident played in reverse - so that the person was alive again after they had died - at one point in the video.   And of course - I was wishing that could have happened to my sister as well -  back from the Golden Gate Bridge.  So this is the poem that I began in my head where tears came streaming out while watching Coldplay's song.

 (the image of grabbing the wheel is figurative.   I was in Dubuque IA when I got the word my sister had left her car parked on the Golden Gate Bridge. noting only because the sabotage network has tried to indicate I was involved in her death somehow)  (there was also never any kind of incestual relationship between my sister and I.   I got the impression some people were trying to say this as well.   My sister sometimes inexplicably seemed to get jealous of my relationships.   Pointedly with my first love Sarah Karim and then also I remember at times with Tanya Delucia and Cindy Haas.   I didnt really understand this.   But I just kind of passed it off as she was threatened that having a woman in my life threatened to take away the person in her family she most could relate to, which was me.   We both had an artist-scientist mind.

What Ive noticed about Age

03/27/2017 19:11

What Ive noticed about age:

In your 20s, you can pretend to be invulnerable.

In your 30s, life humbles you and chinks your armor.

In your 40s, you realize that you have to become fully vulnerable to accomplish anything - which lasts beyond your lifetime - and approaches truth.

(when I say "you have to become fully vulnerable" Im not saying I volunteered to be survielled in any way.  Im just talking about taking risk in standing for truth.)


Heres a quote from Tony Robbins - that I could benefit daily from - if I could master:

"The real (primer) in life - is to be able to make yourself feel good when you don't feel good - or when you don't even want to feel good."


This quote of Tony Robbins - is one that Ive mastered over the last few years:

"The power of positive thinking is the ability to generate a feeling of certainty in yourself when nothing in the environment (hes talking about people) supports you."

Old Banana Hands Robbins is a wise old owl.

Coincidences and Possible Framing

03/27/2017 19:08

Coincidences and Possible Framing


Fat comments

Ive been hearing a lot about fat comments lately.  Not sure what it is in regard to.  Its very possible this has nothing to do with me.

Last year about this time ( maybe 13-14 months ago) I weighed 265 pounds.

Today on the scale I weigh 225  (clothing adjusted) pounds.  At my best condition last year I weighed 222 pounds - after Id been running ( up to 8 miles on gravel ) for a couple months in late summer.

During winter + holidays I gained about 8 pounds - but Im back within 3 or 4 pounds of my lowest weight last year.

So I weigh 15% less than I did a year ago (approx.).  Thats approximately 3 bowling balls in weight - less than a year ago. 

My frame is that of my grandfather Herman Moeller. 

I probably have a little more fat than muscle ratio than I did ast summer - because Ive not been exercising.

Im not ashamed that Im not in perfect condition - because I have no money to buy healthy food now - due to the sabotage network destroying my life via illegal surveillance, framing, and staging.  I have very few food choices.  So Im not concerned about my weight.

I did gain about 5 pounds over the weekend of St. Patricks Day - because I was stressed following an argument with my parents - and ate a couple of pizzas.  But that weight is off now again.  Ive still not been out to any bars - and have still not drank any alcohol - so if that is a framing topic - its a lie by the sabotage network.  

I have not gotten together with my former friend Tim Gulyash for months - due to the fact that he set me up - so that the sabotage network could steal my Space-Interaction theory book (which was in his car when we were out at the bars) in early 2016.  I also feel like he brokered the sale of some of my poetry from the theft of my files from both my home and during the theft of my Space Interaction theory that night.

Im not sure why there are so many fat comments in public lately - but if theyre out to try to shame me - its not working.

(I really dont know why the people are talking about fat-ness in general, just my thoughts on the subject)


As Ive said - Ive been watching a lot of crime reality tv lately - due to boredom, my watching so much tv, and the attrition in programming of cable tv lately.    Also about 4 networks have been playing that stuff non-stop - so there is a lot of it on.   Dr. Phil had a special on a murder case today as well.

I was watching one show (where Daniel Pelosi ?) was accused and convicted of a crime.   I noticed there was a criminal profiler named Brad Garrett (who is former FBI) giving an opinion on the case (the show was recorded in 2015).

What struck me - was that Garrett - a supposed expert profiler - said that he called certain people 'boomerang personalities' because however you try to accuse them - they deflect it.

Well, there could be 2 possibilities in that case:

1.    The person is innocent.
2.    The person is lying.

I dont know if that Daniel Pelosi guy was guilty or innocent.   But for a supposed professional - to say that becuase someone denies accusations - only because they are guilty - seems very unprofessional.   He should know that innocent people also deny all accusations.   Some people are quiet about their innocence and some people are loud about it.

As for me - I dont even know what Im accused of.   I just know because of circumstances around me - progressively since at least January 2011 - that Im being accused of something.   Why wont anyone let me know ?   I feel because they dont want me to be able to defend myself.  

And now the sabotage network (along with tv/Hollywood) has made certain to bias anyone that would be making any judgements - for whatever Im being framed for - or accused of.   If I am eventually accused of a crime - Im guaranteed to not get a fair trial - due to whomever the sabotage network players are - who are trying to frame me - for whatever crime they are trying to accuse me of.

I dont know if there are law enforcement officials involved in this stuff or not - because I only get knowledge of the framing -  by the indirect verbal harassment I encounter since at least 2014 - everywhere I go.

I just think its unfair of a supposed professional law enforcement official (this Brad Garrett from the Daniel Pelosi? case show - in this case) - to label people 'boomerang personalities' - when they may just be reacting to a bunch of unsubstantiated gossip - or framing in my case - and shouting to everyone everywhere - that they did not commit any crimes.

Its especially unfair in my case - because nobody has indicated what crimes they are judging me for.   I have to try to guess every day - for years now - as Im surveilled, harassed, sabotaged, framed, and events (very likely - given the indications Ive gotten) staged (in addition to my stuggles with PTSD and autism spectrum) - and my life spirals down as a result.

3.   Encrpyted messaging

Neil Cavuto had a brief bit on his show today on encrpyted messaging services - that a terrorist in Europe used.   Ill just simply state that Ive never used any kind of encrypted messaging for any reason.

I like Neils personality in general.  His humor is not so harsh most of the time.   And Im disregarding any comments he may or may not have made about me (I dont know for sure which ones would or would not have been in judgement of me due to illegal surveillance).


A lot of random comments about ashes and fires lately - especially of the blabla haha type - from sabotage network people.  If its about me - Im assuming its about my sister Tracy's ashes - which are now in my parents barn home.  

My sister was cremated in San Francisco.   So I had nothing to do with it.

The only other ashes would be the wood burner at the trailer.   I only burned wood in there. Anything other than normal junk burned around there - would be the sabotage network and not me.

'Galaxy Cluster Collisons - clearly show pattern of Collective + Compound Gravity'

03/27/2017 04:07

'Galaxy Cluster Collisons - clearly show pattern of Collective + Compound Gravity'

Its obvious by this well-detailed graphic demonstration - that the majority of unaccounted-for gravity - is less likely a particle - and much more likely a modified gravity solution.  

Each pictorial looks just like my description of the way collective and compound gravity manifest themselves.  

Collective gravity tries to balance out the gravitational attraction between and around great masses in proximity (just like the body of stars in a galaxy).   This force essentially ties the group together - so it acts as a combined unit.   The gravitational force is then compounded - as it nears the center of mass of the galaxy cluster (or a regional center of mass within the galaxy cluster).   Same happens as a body of stars converge toward a galaxy's cosmic recycling center.

The center of the compounded gravity in these pictures - is represented by the brightest blue areas.  You can see that where there is a stronger blue halo effect of the unaccounted-for gravity, there are more and bigger galaxies in that area. Those are the centers of compound gravity - and the calculation for every area that is blue - is above Newton's and Einstein's calculations. 

At the edges of the galaxy clusters, the halo is very thin toward the outside of the outermost galaxies.

'Dark matter' in these graphics exhibit gravity-enhanced gravity (a modified gravitational calculation based on the amount of mass within the compound and collective gravity atmosphere) - with the recognition there is both a center of mass of the cluster or sub-area within the cluster (a center of compound gravity) - and a force which I call collective gravity - which tries to distribute the force evenly throughout each subsystem. 

Since this stuff does not interact - but "passes right through" unexpectedly as stated in the article - its likely there is no significant amount of particles associated with the missing gravitational attraction.  

Its much more likely that the unaccounted-for gravity is an altered formula for calculating gravity (which is dependent upon the amount of mass and spin within each given area).

(these collisions were seen as one of the best evidences for the unaccounted for gravitational attraction being a dark matter particle)

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