Ive not sold any video - or photo or any writing for that matter (post 3 from 2/5/17 @ 4:22 PM CST)

02/08/2017 15:47

Ive heard something about selling this video - as some kind of paparazzi. No. I have not sold this. I took these pics and video of this guy - because I believe he was involved in stealing my Space-Interaction theory - and possibly in on the illegal surveillance of me.

Im broke - as I have been for the past few years since my life has been destroyed by the sabotage network. I have about $60 left over from the pay I got from XL Specialized Trailer. Thats it.

Whomever may have sold the video of this guy - would be sabotage network.

I took the video on January 4 - in the Oelwein Library.