Odd Comments when the Internet Crashed Yesterday - Post 3 today @ 3:58 PM CST - 2/10/17 on my Facebook

02/10/2017 16:46

Odd Comments when the Internet Crashed Yesterday - 3:58 PM CST - 2/10/17

Yesterday at the library here - the internet went out between 4:30 PM and 4:50 PM CST.

The only other person here was a former local policeman who now works as a laborer at the John Deere factory.


I asked him how things were going at work - as he was recently laid off.   He was back to work now and things seem stable for now.

He then asked me about my situation and I discussed some.   Then he said I "could always get dressed in costume and try to (go like that)"   It was a confusing comment - and I answered "I dont know of anyone who would hire someone that goes to an interview in costume."   He seemed to switch to blabla-haha mode at this point.   And said maybe I should "dress up like Donald Trump".  

As Ive said many times now - when I sense its blabla-haha humor, usually often something has been framed.   When he was leaving I said. "If you can think of something where I dont have to dress up like Donald Trump, then let me know."

So I will say that I have never dressed up like Donald Trump - and do not ever plan to do that.

I respect President Trump - and I both voted for him and caucused for him.   The issues that I fight for are not a zero sum game where I sell out to one party or the other.   Furthermore, the job of President is not an easy one.   And the forces pulling in all directions - could tear anyone apart.   Ive mentioned I feel like he is like my grandfather - and I meant that - in that he wants to do the absolute best for his community - that he can.   I did not mean that their personalities or ambitions were similar).

Nobody will ever get everything they want - and not even the President.   I think far from it. 

However, I think he is striving to do his best, working tireless hours.  (If he could somehow stop the directed-energy weapons and the sabotage network permanently, maybe I could get something done.)   And I hope that he really thinks about the people that really need his influence - the middle class, the lower middle class, and the poor in this country.  Whats best for the middle class - is an atmosphere where monopolies cannot form (whether out-competed or limited by our 3 tiered system of government) - and where competition is always healthy.

(My life has been wrecked by illegal surveillance, sabotage, framing and staging - to the point its very difficult to recover on a daily basis in every way - but I am still an American - and I know that our strength is in a balance of power - and that balance is too far to the large corporate side right now.  The middle class is too small - and it has upset the balance of power, where Washington colludes with corporate power.)