'People with autism - minds run 42% faster - a reason they withdraw'

03/23/2017 22:41

I did some internet searches and found this article and the one in the previous post - over the last couple of days.

It was previously thought that autistic spectrum people are "a bit slow" - but this article indicates that it is the opposite (inside) the mind.   It is the external inability to convey (social-verbal communication) and often a lack of expression - which caused this misperception.

Again, this reflects that often-withdrawn thinkers like Isaac Newton, Einstein, Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, Nicola Tesla, and Mozart - exhibited strong autistic spectrum behavior. 

Another list of well-known people thought to have autism from the website https://ne-autism.com/famous.html:

Historical Icons with Autism

•Vincent Van Gogh, Painter
•Emily Dickenson, Poet
•Isaac Newton, Physicist
•Mozart, Composer
•Hans Christian Anderson, Author
•Mark Twain, Author
•Richard Strauss, Composer
•Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor
•Albert Einstein, Physicist
•Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States
•Nikola Tesla, Scientist, Inventor, Electrical Engineer, Futurist
•Jane Austen, Author
•George Bernard Shaw, Playwright
•Henry Ford, Industrialist