
03/28/2017 09:59



I do not use my old smartphone for communication.   Ive stated this many times, but getting indications again about it.  It is a Motorola Electrify - and has no service.   If it is being used - it is somehow being hacked (and turned on remotely) by the sabotage network of hackers.   I only use my old Motorola Quantico through US Cellular - which Ive had that service for over a decade.   The last text I sent was to my mom on March 17 when they left to go visit my 'half sister' Marcia Starbuck-Pearson.  The only people Ive called in the last two weeks - is the website company for my account - and my mom.



Heard something about - that I dont actually have a child.

I have one child that I know of -  born Austin William Delucia(his mother gave him the name of her ex-husband - just one example of how uncooperative she was).   I dont even know if Austin has changed his name - but I believe he was using the last name of the guy who was with his mother as he grew up.   The last time I was able to see him - was when he was right at a year old.   My ex was not a cooperative parent.   The only time I was able to visit him - she was there.  

I know for sure he is my child - as there was a dna test done after.  And I have child support records as well.  If any other children are mine - I dont know about them.  There is no physical possibility that Ive fathered a child in the last 2 years - (with an extremely remote possibility if one was born in April of 2016 - which I heard nothing about).

Ive tried since he was a teen to communicate with Austin - but he has avoided wanting to meet up.  Ive not tried to contact him for a couple of years now.   He is 21 years old.

Evan Walker - is my ex-fiancee Jennifer Walker's (now Smith) son.   I was his dad between 2 1/2 and 10 years old.   He is now 13.  He is not my biological son.


Im in no way LGBT or Q.  Ive had to state this constantly - because its the number one framing technique of the sabotage network - led by power mongers.   Ive never worn any womens clothing - nor wanted to.   Im not gay.   Im not bisexual.   Im only a heterosexual male (both biolocally and because Im only attracted to females).   Whatever else you hear - is sabotage network framing, and staging Hollywood-style.


Ive never abused any of my girlfriends in any way.   If any of them say that - they are lying for attention or revenge (because they were hurt that I broke up with them).  Or I never dated them in the first place.  Ive gotten some indication that there are sabotage network actors saying I dated them or had contact with them in some way. 


Ive not been in any court rooms for any reason lately.   No lawsuits.   So if someone is pretending to be me - it is a criminal imposter.  


Ive never signed a contract of any kind - in regard to my writing, my theory, my inventions, or my likeness.  In other words - Ive never signed a contract - that offers any part of me - for any reason.   If this is being claimed - these are the ripoff artists connected to the sabotage network.