Since 2011

12/30/2015 14:24

In 2011, after I lost my job as a Planner for a Regional Council of Governments, I began doing searches on the central bank families (who print money for the Fed) and geoengineering. Shortly after this, I began understanding that I was being watched - both online and illegally surveilled in my home as well as others homes. The harassment began online, which I ignored initially. Soon, there was one odd encounter and chem-jets began flying over our house in Waterloo in distinct patterns. I wasn’t sure what it meant at that point.

I started to become angry that I was being surveilled at that time.  Im an American citizen.   I can research whatever I like.  They do not own my privacy.  These are my thoughts.

When my ex-fiancée and I broke up in 2013, my constant discussion of the central banks’ involvement in financing both sides of the World Wars, the Fed (printing money out of thin air – when Paul Warburg lobbied for the central bank families to create the Fed), and the evidence that they were involved in manipulating our economic depressions/recessions, the UN’s Agenda 21, and the infiltration of our government – led to the last straw for our relationship.

I moved out in the summer of 2013 – and temporarily into my parents old house – of which they had just moved out. There was a wi-fi account already there. My parents had not unhooked it. So I was using an un-secure server, which was stupid. But I didn’t really understand that then. Im not a hacker. I still don’t understand much and a large majority of people dont. But I do understand at this point – that wi-fi is easy for even an amateur hacker to get into when close by - whether in a car, a plane, or even a drone – despite that I lived on a rural gravel road.  My accounts were constantly hacked in the last months I was there. I was constantly battling with this problem.

I had been meeting some women online – yes I admit I was carrying on with online relationships when I was still with my ex. Things were not good between us –neither of us were getting what we needed from our relationship. Should I have been talking to other women online ? No. Did my ex deserve this ? No. I made some mistakes. I never told her this after – because I didn’t think it was necessary. It was online only. I never met any of these women.

I had met a Romanian woman and a Filipino woman during this time. I was maintaining a relationship with both of them. Stupid in retrospect. But I was lost in life at this time, following my sister's suicide a decade earlier, subsequently being forced out of 2 career positions, and I didnt feel connected in my relationship. Im just telling the facts, not saying it wasnt wrong. I didnt say I havent made mistakes in my life. But the denigrators and sabotage/slander mob would like to make others think Im something far worse than I am.

These online relationships continued after I had moved into my parents' old house. I sent the Filipino woman money ‘for college’ and ‘for her sick mother’. She deceived me, pretending to be an innocent college student. I sent her approximately 10-12 payments over maybe 9 months, each approximately $100. Was I very naive ? Yes. But I really did think I was helping a poor Filipino go to college. I learned later that these women and girls are trained very specifically in how to draw on the kindness and vulnerability of western men. They often have online support as they are chatting with you. This is just a part of how these international gangs finance themselves. She didnt use many of their techniques, but again I was naive. These networks also human traffic young women. I observed this when spying on their social media networks as well, and reported it to Filipino authorities. They were well aware of the problem.

The Romanian woman, I felt we had a genuine connection, but I feel she may have been corrupted at some point by the international network that was hacking all my accounts in 2013-2014. I still do not know for sure. I only sent her money once. This was when she claimed to move to Sweden and wasnt working - and needed some money for vet bills. I sent her $100. As I said, Im not sure whether she was corrupted or not. I had several conversations with her on the phone into this year. But that was the end. I never met either one in person.

Late in the relationship with the Filipino woman, I began to suspect that she was operating as part of an international gang. They had called it a fraternity. She had denied that it was a criminal organization and that it was rather an organization that did good things for people. I felt that they were deceiving her. I didnt know of any associations with terrorists in either Romania or the Philippines then. However, when I finally was able to confirm that the Filipino woman was part of this, what I felt was a criminal international organization, I cut off all contact with her and closed down my Facebook account (after much difficulty) - which was constantly being hacked. I believe my email/IM account was being hacked as well, which I had used to communicate with both the Romanian and the Filipino woman, and briefly with other various women I had met. At some point later, I noticed that all my IM records had been erased. Most of those were with these two women.

At some point during this time, I started getting sharp pains in my head and body, and experiencing a vibration feeling throughout my body when sitting or lying down at night. If I was in one spot for too long at night, one area of my body would start to get a distinct pain. The body vibrations came with a sound like rap being played in a passing car with big subwoofers. It was just like when a car drives by with rap music, but every time I looked outside, there were no cars. And this is in the middle of the country on a gravel road. Eventually, I realized that these experiences coincided with chemtrail jets flying overhead. The chem-jets were hitting me with infrasound, microwave, and laser burst technology.

I found a guy from Great Britain online that had dealt with this same thing, and was informing people online how to combat it. Infrasound causes sleep deprivation and stress to the body. Microwave and laser cause damage to the area where it is focused - whether your knee, ankle, back, or brain.  Laser bursts can also cause heart attack or stroke.  Prolonged microwave can give you cancer.  The guy from Great Britain wrote that you have to put thick metal between you and the radiation attacks.  His attacks were from drones, but mine were coming from the chem-jets here in the United States.  So I began to figure out what I could do to shield myself.  These attacks were beginning to have an effect on my health.

While all of this was going on, I angered one of the Filipino international gang members online – because I was spying on their network's conversations - and he figured this out. (I think he was also in love with the girl that was talking to me)   By using Google Translate, and also by deciphering their slightly coded language, I was watching their posts and chats.  It was in Filipino, but Id figured out letters that they substituted and they also slightly changed the order of certain words in a sentence.  When I pasted it into Google Translate, I made the changes.  They also usually used vague language - like the mob would use when they knew they were being listened to. But I learned that their word for drones was 'minis', which they actually spelled in English and that many of them were training to be drone pilots.   I mostly observed how they interacted and where they were going.

So this international gang network guy I pissed off - called for a ‘regional council’ meeting, and I deciphered his later posts meant that a team was coming to the United States. They call the United States ‘Mars’ in this network. This network was made of Filipinos, Albanians, and Middle Easterners, and others from Southeast Asia - who met in places like Yemen and Qatar. Females coordinated their travels. At that time, there was no ISIL/ISIS that I knew of. And it never occurred to me that they might be ‘Al Quaeda’, since the only 'Al Quaeda' I knew of - were Afghanistan/Iraq/Saudi Arabia and such.


I felt this group was coming to attack me. I estimated their arrival and was intentionally not there when they arrived, but took my shotgun with me. I had been posting on my Facebook at the time - things that might intimidate them – such as that I have friends and cousins that are military, former military, etc. Which I do, but knew they would not be around. I also posted images to my account - to make them think I was in an alternate international gang. At this point, I knew no law enforcement would be able to help me, because there were no direct threats, and further, these people were from another country. Who would believe it ? And even if they were open to believing it, they had no evidence within their jurisdiction.


After I watched them talking on Facebook, and felt it was safe to return, I returned to my parent’s old house. Soon, I figured out their network was watching everything I was doing. I scoured the house and changed everything around. They still saw everything – living room, kitchen, bathroom… didn’t matter where I was. They were describing everything that I was doing. I saw them talking about getting ‘air support’ and much talk about ‘minis’, which I eventually figured out, were drones. I kept talking to the Filipino woman – because I still thought she cared about me and was being tricked by this network. I also was trying to get information about the gang from her. At that time, I didnt want to believe she was a part of their network. I was naïve. I interrogated her and also tried to keep a relationship with her. I felt this 'international gang' network was tricking her and targeting me. Toward the very end, as I became more suspicious of her, I was saying things to her that would garner trust - to see if I could catch her in a lie. Finally, I was able to confirm that she was in with this network - to my satisfaction.

By March, I verified that she was acting as part of this international gang, and I cut off all contact. I shut down my Facebook account and called Homeland Security (DHS). I had taken down the Facebook names of dozens of people connected to her Facebook network, but Homeland Security would not take any of that information. Eventually, I called the local Sheriff at least twice, and a private investigator to search for cams. I discovered that it would take an expert security firm to do a sweep (for the newest fiber optic cams/mics) and that it would cost at least $3000. I didn’t have that, and my parents didn’t want to spend the money for that either. So I moved out – to where I currently live.


I built what people are calling a ‘safe zone’ to escape both the illegal surveillance and the infrasound, microwave, and laser bursts I was getting at night. This is made of thick metal and concrete block. After a lot of tweaking, I was able to accomplish this - and the radiation bursts attacks from chemtrail jets stopped after a few weeks. It looks strange, but now when chemtrail jets pass, they cant hit me with radiation when I sleep. As you can see in my videos posted on Facebook, chem-jets have indeed been targeting my location. They spray more heavily during planting and harvesting season when farmers are in the fields also, but there has been a gradual increase in chemtrail activity since 2011 when I first researched the central bank families. They’ve been using poison-spraying chem-jets for at least a dozen years in the US, likely longer, but our federal government has deceived us.

I don’t ever capture video of myself, and everyone can tell you that Ive never liked my picture taken. So any video or ‘freeze-frames’ you see of me – are illegally gotten. Any audio also has been illegally taken as well, except for the chemtrail videos I posted on my recent Facebook account.

As I realized the illegal surveillance continued and got worse – I got angrier. It started with the central bank family searches in 2011. The surveillance and weird happenings online got progressively worse, and then the international gang planted cams in my home. The chemtrail jets began appearing within minutes of me going outside, one after another. I vented in private - in my car or in my home or my parents' home. I was angry and confused as to how this was being allowed in America - for chemtrail jets to exist at all - and on top of that - to target American citizens such as myself. I was speaking into the areas where I felt the cams/mics would likely have been covertly planted - tvs, radios of vehicles, where your face is usually - facing. I also began getting an anarchist-type mob following me around everywhere I went. Anyone I would talk to, this mob would approach with a smartphone and show things to them. I assume illegally-gained private footage or slanderous things made up by the sabotage mob. Then they would laugh and the person I met would no longer talk to me.

This sabotage-slander mob – sabotaged all the vehicles I tried to repair in 2014. Each time I tried to sell something, the person claimed they were either ex-military or attached to law enforcement somehow. Every one of them in the last 6 months of 2014 I was trying to sell anything - claimed to be law enforcement or former military. In retrospect, I believe that these people were part of the sabotage and slander mob as well, and were controlling who could and could not call my phone. Eventually, the only people who called were people harassing me and asking the same stupid questions over and over. Ive sold things on the side to get by for years and had very few problems. Suddenly, I have a sabotage/slander mob that looks like a bunch of anarchists, and claim to be former military or law enforcement. There was no way to verify if they were all lying.

I meet a girlfriend in the summer of 2014. We seem to both be having a good time. Eventually, I understand that she is working out of her home – for a federal government program. Along the way, as we get to know each other, her male boss, who she says is former 'secret military program' and had worked with DHS, is talking the same way the international gang members do on their false Facebook accounts. It’s a very familiar way of talking. They do a lot of double-entendre jokes aimed at their target on their social media sites. Its denigration with communication. They also post a lot of pics to try to intimidate others. Her boss also claims his father was from Russia, as I met the guy later.


In the last year or so, my home has been constantly broken into. This network has stolen a lot of what I write in private and use the words in their slander and denigration. They use fake online accounts with aliases. There have been strange coincidences of writings that I have done – and then words from those writings will pop up in disasters across the country. I don’t feel it’s a coincidence anymore. I feel this is part of the framing, part of the central bank families trying to set me up for something since 2011.

They have also stolen my ideas for inventions or copyrights as they have surveilled me. My ideas have turned up on energy drinks and retail circulars. Just another devastating effect of surveillance. The ability to pirate innovation.


The sabotage of the vehicles I was repairing - hit me prior to my father deciding he’s not going to let me help farm in 2015 - like I had for the past two years. But he failed to communicate this to me, so now I had no way to make money. I don’t feel that Id be able to work a regular job with a sabotage mob constantly following me around. Every time I go outside, Im hawked by chemtrail jets thickly spraying poison on me.

The last few months Ive noticed regular sabotage/slander mob members - both male and female adults - often come in to the library just after I come in (the only place Ive used internet the last few months is the library, although I have quickly checked on my first blog site at my parents recently) . Sometimes these sabotage mob members are at the library before me. They often print things there now. They will come in with a pad of paper (like I always do), get online, print something out, and then leave. Prior to the last couple months, people did not print things out so often. Lately there have been a lot of them using wi-fi with their tablets and phones as well. A lot of them are couples.

Lately also, this guy with a shaved head and grey beard sat right next to me twice. One day after I posted about my sisters suicide in San Francisco, he came in, sat right next to me, and printed a California death certificate/identification application. Then he seemed to pay for it from a CapitalOne account and then went to the Veridian Community Credit Union site. I posted about this in real-time on my recent Facebook account, and he became visibly agitated in real-time. Then a few days later, the same guy comes in and sits next to me again. He tries to talk to me, and I brush him off. Then he is on an 'online data' account. I post about him in real-time again, and he gets visibly agitated again and texts someone on his smartphone. These are the first two times Ive seen this guy online. He usually comes in, talks to some young kids, and then leaves again. He seems intimately connected with these kids somehow, as he will go right up to them. But he doesnt seem to be a parent of them. More like some kind of friend.


Since I started doing those searches on the central banks in 2011 - online, on-the-ground, and in-the-air networks of sabotage/slander mobs – have been trying to frame me as: a 'lone wolf' terrorist/terrorist leader, a racist, a crossdresser, a killer/serial killer, an abuser/rapist, a child abuser/molester, a compulsive gambler/fantasy football addict, a poacher, sleep with men, trying to meet people online, etc. Im none of those things, and Ive not met a single person online since the Filipino woman, nor have I tried to meet anyone. But the power mongers now have a network – online, in the air, and on the ground – who can follow you anywhere you go, plant cameras in your house without you knowing, surveil you 24 hours a day, and sabotage and slander your entire life.

I do not chat with anyone online. I dont send angry or hateful or violent emails. Ive never 'Tweeted', posted on Youtube, Instagrammed, or Snapchatted. I dont use any social media 'extras' and I dont use it to communicate, except for the recent Facebook posts so people know that I am not what they are trying to frame me to be. I dont call for voilence upon anyone. Ive never been violent to anyone, except for a few bar scuffles, which other people started. What you see on my Facebook posts - is the only communication I have there. I only have one US Cellular flip phone. I had to use my old Motorola smartphone for a couple weeks because my second flip phone buttons quit working. So I switched to the smartphone, but didnt realize the data was automatically turned on. So soon I began getting signals that my smarphone was being hacked and used for internet purposes. I immediately switched to my old flip phone (which is beat up but still works). I was on the smartphone for a little over 2 weeks. I also dont have a 'Cricket' wireless account. I was getting hints that the sabotage/slander mob was using a fake 'Cricket' wireless account.

Ive never been any kind of racist. My sister, before she committed suicide, ironically was both married to an Iranian in Ames and lived with a Jewish guy for a couple years - who worked for Oracle in San Francisco - and they were friends for years after that. Our family accepted both of them at those times. I didn’t understand my parents' apprehension about the Iranian at first, because I was a kid… I didn’t understand world conflicts. I had no pre-formed opinion about any race. Bert was the first Jewish person I knew, and I liked him. I think I had just broken up with a girl whose father was from Bangladesh just a couple years before I met him.

After strange things were happening when I was online and chemtrail jets were appearing moments after I went outside - following the research on the central banks I did in 2011, I started to become angry and confused. I became more angry as I was illegally surveilled and I vented in private. Since many of the central bank leaders are Zionist Jew, my confusion and anger at being surveilled - became venting words of anger in private - where I was being surveilled. I was under immense pressure – being surveilled 24 hours a day, followed by both a sabotage/slander mob and planes in the sky. Its was impossible to function and to try to get back on my feet. I didn’t understand what was going on, and then had a bunch of people denigrating me TMZ-style for anything that I did or didn’t do. But I never called for violence despite being confused and angry that I was being surveilled, sabotaged, and slandered.

I can see much clearer now. When I wrote some of the things I wrote in my ‘safe zone’ and was venting privately under the confusion of 24 hour surveillance and sabotage of my life, I was under attack from every direction, and it was all new. I will never accept illegal surveillance or slander and sabotage, but I certainly have never hated any group of people based on religion, race, gender, age, etc etc etc. I just feel that its time we all understand what the central bank families have been doing to all of America. 'The Fed' - which has really 'fed' the power of the central bank families - has allowed these families to steal the wealth of the people of this country - through manipuation of every dollar that flows through the finances of this country - and through your pocket and mine. The central bank families have an iron grip on the economies of the world, including ours.

Geoengineering, with its white wispy poison, has gone on in secret too long. The secret plots of power mongers - are the root of all evil. America is the last stand against them, and we must restore a balance of power to America's working class. We must get back good paying manufacturing jobs. We must balance our budget. We must reign in monopolies. We must protect our country and our borders against networks that wish to do us harm. This is an exponential threat.

With each terrorist/anarchist network unit which is willing to die - that comes into this country, becomes an exponential threat to overwhelming our law enforcement. Knowing that these networks have been trained to use drones, we must ban the use of drones here in the USA.


We must do all of these things to get back free will, and to break the chains of power mongers. If we do not, we all become slaves to a pyramid scheme. Just as ancient Egyptian oligarchs watched their slaves from the tops of pyramids, so too are power mongers trying to make us slaves throughout the world today through a Socialist-Oligarchy system.  We have a chance in the USA to stop them.  We have a great opportunity to change the world - for the good.  Each of us are tremendously powerful, armed only with our Bill of Rights.  We must all begin to really use it, 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, all the way through to the end of our freedoms.  Freedom is not free, but non-violent free speech is guaranteed.

We can start by contacting all of our representatives, and demand these changes be made. Then we vote out the establishment politicians on both sides.

This is the only blog or publication I have any association with, or ever did.