'Van Gogh and Da Vinci - both artist-scientists - one abstract, one concrete'

03/23/2017 15:39

Van Gogh reflected in his paintings - laws of physics that were undiscovered at the time.   In this way - Van Gogh could have been seen as an abstract artist-scientist.   Da Vinci in a similar fashion.   Although Van Gogh's art was abstract - and Da Vinci actually tried to draw bodies and body parts - accurate for medical purposes.   He was a concrete artist-scientist.

I see some of my poems in the abstract pattern artist-scientist category.   Space-Interaction theory was dev...eloped in thought and in my poetry - for many years before I got the light bulb moment of the ever-evolving moment of Nature.

The following article explains how Van Gogh's visions predicted patterns in science:


Examples of Da Vinci's concrete artist-scientist sketches.   His work led to advances in many areas of science (Da Vinci was reknowned for starting projects and never finishing them).  

Both Da Vinci and Van Gogh - have been associated with possible austism spectrum personalities.