
'Linear time increments cause distortion in scientific models + ignoring them leads to false scientific paths'

03/24/2017 11:39
The false assumptions that result in ignoring model distortions (e.g. - those in General Relativity space-time) lead scientists down false paths - that lead to widespread belief - in the face of the fact that only 5% of the matter and energy in the Universe - can be accounted for under the accepted, combined theories. Any increment of time used (minute, second) in an equation - has an...

'Possible confusion in (time) dilation thought experiment'

03/23/2017 22:43
In my (time) dilation thought experiment posted previously, I used the speed of light and 10,000 km/s- as two speeds of the objects B and A respectively.  This may have led to some confusion.   I meant to state - that while rounding the Earth - you could observe each object at each moment - (if it was freeze-framed in each moment).... It would have been better to say that B was...

'People with autism - minds run 42% faster - a reason they withdraw'

03/23/2017 22:41
I did some internet searches and found this article and the one in the previous post - over the last couple of days.It was previously thought that autistic spectrum people are "a bit slow" - but this article indicates that it is the opposite (inside) the mind.   It is the external inability to convey (social-verbal communication) and often a lack of expression - which caused this...

'If youve met one person on the autistic spectrum, youve met one person on the autistic spectrum.'

03/23/2017 22:38
'If you've met one person on the autistic spectrum, you've met one person on the autistic spectrum.'   A common quote used by those who understand this spectrum.  It just means that everyone is different - just like the rest of humanity.  Whether its a high-functioning Aspie who's writing revolutionary computer code like Mark Zuckerberg, an autistic spectrum artist like...

'Van Gogh and Da Vinci - both artist-scientists - one abstract, one concrete'

03/23/2017 15:39
Van Gogh reflected in his paintings - laws of physics that were undiscovered at the time.   In this way - Van Gogh could have been seen as an abstract artist-scientist.   Da Vinci in a similar fashion.   Although Van Gogh's art was abstract - and Da Vinci actually tried to draw bodies and body parts - accurate for medical purposes.   He was a concrete...

Not been back to trailer + other notes

03/23/2017 14:48
Ive still not been back to the trailer - since last Friday 3/17/17 @ about 11 AM.   Have been at barn home since that time.1. I heard some indication about me acting like an asian person.   LOL.   Ive no idea what they are talking about.   The last contact I had with an Asian person - was the Asian woman I met online - whom I called the Department of...

Clarifying the 'cosmic hole' post

03/23/2017 14:39
I should have made more clear - in the prior post regarding the 'cosmic hole' in the CMB - that galaxy clusters in Space-Interaction theory - magnify the force of gravity within the 'gravitational atmosphere' of the galaxy cluster - through collective and compund gravity.   Compound gravity based at the center of mass of the galaxy cluster - and collective gravity evens out the...

'What if the CMB- is a Projection of the Filament Structure of the Universe - largely from beyond the Observable Universe'

03/22/2017 21:42
The CMB is viewed as one of the two main evidences for the combined big bang / expansion / relativity theories. The "Cosmic hole" (missing radio waves) in the article below - is better explained by galaxy clusters absorbing weak microwaves and radio waves - in its 'gravitational atmosphere' - rather than solely by the SZ effect as proposed. Since the radio waves being blocked are...

'Researchers finding more and more - light-eroding debris - in the fog of space'

03/22/2017 18:18
'Researchers finding more and more - light-eroding debris in the fog of space'This article highlighting the Berkeley Physics Department -  outlines that previously-projected quantities of space dust - were incorrect.I portend that we also do not know a lot about all of the small components of space (dust, gas, photons, EM fields, the flux between mass and energy, modified gravity) which...

Ive never equated a person to a fish

03/22/2017 17:57
Ive never equated a person to a fish - in my poetry or otherwise.  Ive probably used the colloquialism "theres plenty of fish in the sea" in my lifetime.   But if anything was said about me equating a fish to a person - thats the sabotage network - at work.  I started hearing a lot of stuff about fish last year - and one of the people where I worked in December 2016 - was...
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