
The article below on the illusion of (time) dilation was edited - to clarify the fairly complex message

03/22/2017 14:54

The article below on the illusion of (time) dilation has been edited - for more accuracy of wording - and expounding upon certain details.

It was a fairly complex idea to convey clearly  - and the subtlety of language is very important.   I think I finally achieved the message I was trying to convey.

Some of the modifications have to do with how I compared 2D map projections of 3D Earth - with the 4D model of space-time with 3D space.

Comment on - "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Einstein quote

03/21/2017 18:00

Without our 5 senses - we can know neither God nor science.   While each of these senses is limited - it gives us enough to explore the world (I believe that God created).  

It takes no more or less intellect to answer "I dont know" to one of the following questions:

How did God create the Universe ?


How did the Universe arise from nothing ?

Sometimes people get frustrated in never knowing enough in our short time here on Earth.  But if we knew everything, we would be God.   And that will simply never happen.   Truths are revealed slowly.

This was a subject of conversation with my mom last week during an argument where she questioned my belief in God.   She and I understand God in different wayways.   Just like we understand everything in different ways.


'Thought Experiment on the Concept of (Time) Dilation'

03/21/2017 15:58

'Thought Experiment on the Illusion of (Time) Dilation'

A paper I just wrote after re-reading some of Brian Greene's 'The Elegant Universe' - Wade Heineman

(Time) dilation is an illusion - due to the way Einstein set up his model of Relativity.  

(Time) dilation occurs - due to the fact that the speed of light was chosen as a basis for the limit of relative change (speed). 

Since speed has a limit in the Universe, and (time) is a component of speed in Einstein's equations (and most equations where change is measured) - then as two objects/particles move at different speeds, they appear to travel in (time) as well as through space - because the two components to speed (distance and time) are dependent on each other in the equations (km/s). 

But this (time) dilation is an illusion - because (time) in Nature - is not linear - and only exists in the now.  Einstein's space-time is similar to a 2D map projection of 3D Earth - only Einstein's space-time is representing a 3D concept in 4D - which causes an illusion of (time) dilation.

The Experiment will follow this Introduction.

When objects or particles approach the speed of light - they approach the limit of relative change (speed) as constructed by Einstein's theory - which creates an illusion of slowing (time - which is actually just relative change - relative change in position according to its speed).  In order to make sense of relative change to our minds - we must create a linear scale of measurement (time)- to compare change events to one another.  This is artificial.

Clocks are a manifestation of a kind of time which can be measured linearly - which does not exist in Nature - and for which the base reference of (time) measurement will always be arbitrarily chosen.  We have a model - space-time - which has been quite accurate for our cosmic neighborhood (the 'gravitational atmosphere' of our galaxy) - but it isn't reality. 

The space-time model experiences problems at the ends of relative change (black hole cosmic recycling center and quantum mechanics) - because relative change appears to disappear at those ends.   All models of space which include (time) as a dimension - will have limitations - because a linear measurement of (time) does not really exist in Nature.  Once a moment has passed - it no longer exists.  3D cannot be represented as 4D without distortions.

This is similar to the way each 2D map projection of 3D Earth has limitations - as exhibited in the following article:

(Time) based on a cosmic speed limit - is actually a limit of relative change (relative speed) - which is why 2 clocks (in whatever capacity) will always display different times when measured from particles/objects moving at different rates.  They are measuring their respective relative change in comparison to the speed of light as a limit - on a linear time scale (which does not exist in Nature).   Nature only lives in the now as all things change with respect to one another in that moment.   Moving faster in respect to everything else - only increases the rate of change (distance) from one moment to the next (distance).  There is no movement through (time). 


The experiment.

All the physicists and theoretical physicists Ive read since 2015 have been in agreement - that if you put a clock on every object (moving at different rates of speed) in the Universe - they will all measure (time) differently.

Imagine 2 timelines placed parallel to one another - each with 19 dots - evenly spaced.   The values run from the left (from - 9 through 0 to + 9).  

Now we imagine two objects in space outside of Earth.   The two objects are of the same relative shape, size, smoothness and mass - lets say they are spherical.   In essence they are as close to the same as possible.  

The object closest to Earth - we will simply call A.   The one further away - will be B.  These objects will be moving in the same direction - at highly different speeds.   Object B will be the object moving faster.  Both objects are moving in the same direction parallel to one another.

Each object has its own clock - which can measure (time) to infinite accuracy.  

We are disregarding any friction, EM fields, gravity, and any other forces - which the two objects may come into contact with.  For the purpose of this thought experiment - we will say that the object can travel at the speed of light - without physical consequences (which is not possible - but for the sake of this thought experiment - it doesn't matter)

The objects set off - and are racing across space.  The 2 timelines I mentioned before represent Nature's moments (as everything continues to interact and change at its usual rate - unaffected by the two objects) - which includes everything in existence in addition to objects A and B.   Both objects begin at 0 on their respective timelines.   Each number on the timeline represents a moment of Nature's relative change (again - everything else in the Universe continues at its normal rate of change - relatively unaffected by the two objects in motion).   The sun is still roiling, dogs are still barking, birds flying, light is still travelling through space.

The moments are far enough apart (they are not seconds- they are equally spaced moments) - so that by the time we reach 9, object A will have travelled enough distance to have circled the Earth.   This is important for the conclusion of this thought experiment. 

As the objects proceed, object B moves much more distance away from Earth for each number on the timeline, than does A.   But the objects each only occupy one space.   So one is in one particular relative spot in the context of the Universe as a whole and the other is in another spot in the context of the Universe as a whole.  Neither object can be two places at once (no non-quantum objects have ever been observed to be two places at once).

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.   Stop.   Both objects are at the end of their journeys.   Now lets stretch each timeline from each object's respective starting point - to their respective endpoints.   0 will correspond with the starting point, and 9 will correspond with the endpoint.  The negative value side of the timeline will expand in proportion to the positive value side.

So what has changed in our experiment ?   The relative positions of the two objects will have changed according to their respective speeds.  AND the relative positions/states of everything else in the Universe as a function of the moments of Nature's passage - have also changed.  

In order for anything to reach the negative value on the timeline - EVERYTHING in the Universe would have to visit a moment that was already experienced.   I don't really need to state this - but this phenomenon has never been observed. 

Both objects - A and B have experienced relative change - and moved further from Earth and from each other - due to differences in speed.   But they both experienced each of the 9 moments on the timeline.   They just moved at different rates of change relative to one another (and relative to everything in their surrounding context).   B moved further between the 9 moments - than did A.  

Now to the clocks.

In addition to the two clocks on A and B, there is also a clock on Earth.   This is the 3rd clock in the picture.   All 3 clocks are exactly the same.

Now if we measure the relative change of A, or of B, or between A and B - from Earth - we have a scientific measurement.   If we try to measure relative change from all three points at the same time - it makes no sense.  A clock only has relevence when one perspective is considered the observer - and not more than one - because two moving observers experience relative change (not Nature's time) differently.

Nature (mass, energy, space, nuclear forces, EM fields, gravity) have no need for a division of time that the clock provides.   It can interact on its own - without a clock ticking.   Fixed divisions of time do not exist in Nature.   Everything is slowly changing - including the orbits of all things (some imperceptibly so).

Divisions of time (minutes, seconds, etc) are only needed for our mind - for science and coordination of events.  Therefore (time) as a linear construct - as it is constructed in Relativity - is not a part of Nature.

Because Nature's time (the ever evolving moment) is not linear - it is dimensionless (no matter how many times you divide it - it is ever-small).   It only leaves a trail of fossils (whether rocks or light travelling across billions of light years of space) - and does not project itself into the future.   The moment of Nature is in the now - which cannot be measured.

We invented time instruments (stonehenge, sundials, metronomes, watches, stopwatches) so that we could make sense of relative change in our minds.   The absolute tic toc of a clock - which is actually a linear measurment - is not in nature.  Therefore space-time is just a model of reality - like a map projection.

Clocks keep us 'on time' for daily schedules - but those clocks and watches were set arbitrarily by humans to suit our purposes on Earth.  We could change the whole time system - and we would still be 'on time' to meet someone.   But without the human invention of clocks - it would be a whole lot harder to be 'on time' using the position of the Sun - especially when its cloudy.   Clocks are not in Nature.


Now lets wrap the two 9-moment (timelines) around Earth - in a circular path - connecting the 0 value to the 9 value.   The objects were positioned in space - so that the center of Earth is the center of their respective paths.  The two timelines are now wrapped around Earth as concentric circles.

Object B - which moved much faster - has a much larger circular path around Earth.   But both objects ended up at the same point they started.   From Earth, the two objects can be observed in the same spot from which they began their journey - 9 long moments ago.  

Object B just travelled further.  It does not matter what their onboard clocks will read - because we are proving that their difference - (time) dilation - is an illusion.

In each of the 9 moments, the two objects were observed from the center of the Earth (not technically possible - but for the simplicity of the thought experiment - this is what will happen) so there is no motion to account for in the observer - and so both objects can be clearly seen in all directions.  The Earth is translucent in this experiment and our eyes are good enough to see the objects moving around the Earth.

So did they travel through (time) as they traveled around Earth ? 

No, each object could be observed from Earth - at each of the 9 moments as they traveled - (albeit at different speeds) - and each travelled a certain distance according to their respective rates of change.  It does not even matter if they travelled in opposite directions.

Neither A nor B disappeared or moved either forward or back in (time).   They just moved in respect to everything else in the Universe, including each other and Earth.  Just as trilions of light waves are travelling for billions of years across the Universe - while everything else experiences its change process - relative to everything else.  It just takes them less moments - to travel further distance.

On page 42 of his book 'The Elegant Universe', Brian Greene uses the example of a muon in a particle accelerator - to make a point about time moving more slowly for an object in motion.   He states that a muon 'lives' normally about 2 millionths of a second.   But when accelerated in a  particle accelerator - the muon 'lives' up to 10 times longer - before bursting into electrons and neutrinos.  

I don't doubt that this happens.   However, Greene is ignoring some very important comparisons (which are a basis of science) in the process.  

A muon is a very simple particle- that operates very simply - when compared to a human.  It is one type of particle - essentially pending a state change (waiting to burst into electrons and neutrinos).  More complex structures - such as the human body - would not hold up in a particle accelerator- and remain intact.

In addition, prolonging the life of something - does not necessarily mean that (time) moves more slowly.   It likely means that its life has been prolonged.   That is not (time) dilation.   That is altering the lifespan of a - particle in this case - by the input of massive amounts of energy (via a particle accelerator).  This infusion of energy lengthens the state change duration of this simple muon particle - similar to prolonging the life of a steak's viability to eat - by putting it in the freezer - and slowing down its decay.

Prolonging the life of one human - does not indicate (time) dilation either.   A man who lives 120 years has gotten to see more of Nature's moments pass by - but he has not seen the moments any faster or slower than the guy who died when he was 100.   And more importantly concerning the concept of space-time, he has not skipped back to a previous moment - where everything in the Universe was exactly the same.  

Einstein expressed in his Relativity that the "speed limit of the Universe" is the speed of light.   When you say that there is nothing that can go faster than a certain speed, and then you base your concept of (time) passage upon that concept - you create an illusion - that when the speed limit is achieved - then (time) itself is not passing.  

However, for a light wave in motion across billions of light years of space, nothing in Nature stops to let it pass by through (time).   It is just the cheetah - moving faster than any other animal.  A possum does not travel through animal time - if it suddenly can run 70 mph.  It just goes further between moments.  Same for the light wave.

The ever-evolving moment of Nature is still occuring for everything in the Universe - as we propel ourselves faster and faster(relative to our context and scale) and approach the speed of light.

Everything is still experiencing change at its own rate as we travel in respect to everything else (including that light ray moving at light speed across billions of light years of space - like a cheetah). 

Therefore, (time) dilation of clocks on separate objects moving at different rates of change (speed) - is an illusion created by Einstein setting a speed limit which includes a linear time scale which does not exist in Nature.   This linear time scale is necessary for us to make equations - but it has limitations when modeling Nature - just like any 2D map projection of Earth has certain limitations of reality (3D to 2D does not transfer exactly).   Its the same with space and space-time (3D does not translate exactly to 4D) - and therefore we get (time) dilation - which is a distortion within the model.

So what should be said is "In the model of space-time, (time) dilation occurs due to its 4D modelling of 3D space."

This is also true of gravitational computations which are observed to have the same (time) dilations.  Gravity is expressed as acceleration - and includes seconds.  So (time) dilation in gravitational equations - is also a distortion created by the 4D model representing 3D space (and a zero dimension ever-evolving moment of Nature).

(Note: some quantum observations have indicated that there can be interaction between two phenomena (instantaneously) across distance - which would usurp light being the speed limit of the Universe)


Einsteins concept of (time) as a dimension - is not in Nature.   His concept of space-time is a static approximation of Nature (which Einstein admitted - that he was unsatisfied with the non-dynamic construct of his theory).   Space-time is similar to a map projection of Earth.   Each map projection is an approximation - but none of them are really Earth as it exists.   Map projections were essential to understaning the geographical relationships of Earth in their time.  Just as Einsteins genious projection of the Universe did.   But he was limited by what was observed at the time.   I think he would have thought differently now.

Einstein also says in his book 'The Principle of Relativity' - that he does not pretend that his model of reality - is actually reality.  Ive printed the exact quote before on here and on my blogs.

The addition of (time) as a '4th dimension '- to the model (projection) of Nature (space-time) - allows us to make comparisons of relative change events.   But the concept of (time) as a quantifiable dimension on a linear timeline - is a fabrication of reality.   It is a creation of our minds - so our minds can understand relative change events in Nature. 

Einsteins Relativity theory + the Big Bang theory + Expansion theory = 95% of matter and energy completely inexplicable.   Only 5% of mass and energy is accounted for with these widely accepted combined theoretical models.  

Scientists have been searching for decades - for a particle that would explain the missing unaccounted-for gravity - and also for the reason for missing expansive energy - which would complete the picture of the Universe that the Big Bang/Expansion theories present.

Its more likely that red-shift of distant galaxies is explained by erosion of light waves through (the fog of space) - drastically reducing the amount of dark energy needed to explain the Universe's actions.  

This in turn - reduces the amount of unaccounted-for gravity (dark matter) that is 'missing' from the combination of these theories. 

Erosion of light waves (and microwaves arriving from far beyond the observable Universe) - also would explain the cosmic background radiation picture (CMB) - which along with the red-shift - are the basis of the Expansion / Big Bang theories. 

Any further missing unaccounted for gravity (after the erosion of light waves and the pull of distant galaxy clusters are taken into account) - would be explained by 'compound gravity' and 'collective gravity' (along with collapsed stars, planets, and other cosmic debris).  

And the weak density of (dark matter) would be explained as eroded weak microwaves that get trapped in the 'gravitational atmosphere' of galaxies (and gravitational atmospheres in general)- where the weak microwaves lose their waviness - and shift from energy-mass (energy dominated particles) to mass-energy (mass dominated particles).

First draft written on my Facebook account :

A Pristine example of Hollywood - Christian-hating Propaganda - Post 5 today @ 4:42 PM CST on Facebook - last post of the day - logging out now

02/10/2017 16:48

A Pristine example of Hollywood - Christian-hating Propaganda

There are new trailers out for a movie called "The Accountant".

The name of the main character is "Christian Wolff".  Christian (obvious reference) Wolff (references the Lone Wolf terrorist Media buzz word).


The character is apparently a genius who does accounting for "some of the worst people on Earth".   Apparently terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, and the like.

This is classic framing by the Christian-hating tv/Hollywood/'news' Monopoly Media.

Curiously, the writers name is Bill Dubuque (where I lived for 5 years) and the main character is also autistic (of which Ive stated I feel I have symptoms of - as did Newton, Einstein, Mozart, da Vinci, Michaelangelo and many others so I dont feel inferior because of it).

This is a classic example of how Hollywood scripts frame people - since the 1930s.   They frame the characters and the scripts - to demonize classes of people.   It has been a very dominant pattern in Hollywood - and has accelerated since the 1980s.

Classic framing / staging, Hollywood-style.

No emails, no texts, no calls, and searching a car name - Post 4 today @ 4:26 PM CST on my Facebook

02/10/2017 16:47

No emails, no texts, no calls, and searching a car name

Ive not sent anyone any emails lately.   The last emails I sent were copies of drafts of my book - to certain prominent news figures as well as book publishers.

I have not received any correspondence from any of the people I sent these emails to a couple weeks ago (or thereabout).  


The only phone calls I have made this week - were to my interlock device company and my website company for 

I have not texted anyone this week.

I looked up the name (Giulia) yesterday - because there was a curious car commercial the other night which stated something like this "If you love something, let it go.   See you around."  in a woman's voice.   The scenes looked like Italy and the name of the car was Giulia.  So I looked up the name Giulia - and found some Italian personality with this name.  I know the sabotage network knows everything  I look up - so just explaining that.

Odd Comments when the Internet Crashed Yesterday - Post 3 today @ 3:58 PM CST - 2/10/17 on my Facebook

02/10/2017 16:46

Odd Comments when the Internet Crashed Yesterday - 3:58 PM CST - 2/10/17

Yesterday at the library here - the internet went out between 4:30 PM and 4:50 PM CST.

The only other person here was a former local policeman who now works as a laborer at the John Deere factory.


I asked him how things were going at work - as he was recently laid off.   He was back to work now and things seem stable for now.

He then asked me about my situation and I discussed some.   Then he said I "could always get dressed in costume and try to (go like that)"   It was a confusing comment - and I answered "I dont know of anyone who would hire someone that goes to an interview in costume."   He seemed to switch to blabla-haha mode at this point.   And said maybe I should "dress up like Donald Trump".  

As Ive said many times now - when I sense its blabla-haha humor, usually often something has been framed.   When he was leaving I said. "If you can think of something where I dont have to dress up like Donald Trump, then let me know."

So I will say that I have never dressed up like Donald Trump - and do not ever plan to do that.

I respect President Trump - and I both voted for him and caucused for him.   The issues that I fight for are not a zero sum game where I sell out to one party or the other.   Furthermore, the job of President is not an easy one.   And the forces pulling in all directions - could tear anyone apart.   Ive mentioned I feel like he is like my grandfather - and I meant that - in that he wants to do the absolute best for his community - that he can.   I did not mean that their personalities or ambitions were similar).

Nobody will ever get everything they want - and not even the President.   I think far from it. 

However, I think he is striving to do his best, working tireless hours.  (If he could somehow stop the directed-energy weapons and the sabotage network permanently, maybe I could get something done.)   And I hope that he really thinks about the people that really need his influence - the middle class, the lower middle class, and the poor in this country.  Whats best for the middle class - is an atmosphere where monopolies cannot form (whether out-competed or limited by our 3 tiered system of government) - and where competition is always healthy.

(My life has been wrecked by illegal surveillance, sabotage, framing and staging - to the point its very difficult to recover on a daily basis in every way - but I am still an American - and I know that our strength is in a balance of power - and that balance is too far to the large corporate side right now.  The middle class is too small - and it has upset the balance of power, where Washington colludes with corporate power.)

'Greedy Water Barons seek to dominate water resources' - Post 2 today @ 3:36 PM CST

02/10/2017 16:45

'Greedy Water Barons seek to dominate water resources'

(None of these words are a reference to any person or group - they are just the best word choices for this application.)

A quote by Aldo Leopold (native of Burlington, IA and land proponent)


"All ethics so far evolved rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts. The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants and animals, or collectively the land." The Land Ethic, A Sand County Almanac.

My two last poems refer to this premise when I say "all of it" in each of them. 

This is also why I stand with the Native Americans regarding their rights - when water supplies are threatened by large corporate projects - when it is not necessary.  (in the case of the Dakota Access Pipeline and Lake Oahe)  

Since the pipeline endangers the entire Missouri River watershed - if it is breached - it sets up water barons to reap the benefits of the disaster.

Water barons - seek to dominate water resources around the world.   For if you can control water - what population can you not control ?

To control water - and to sell it at a profit - makes the poor - poorer - and further eliminates the population of the middle class.

While I support American interests - and becoming more energy independent, endangering water supplies when it can be avoided - is essential to keeping our number one resource - water - out of the grip of greedy power-mongering interest.

I was not aware of the details regarding the pipelines threatening water supplies until recentely.   However, as we have seen already, one 'accident' can destroy an entire region.

The Deepwater Horizon fiasco - destroyed the Gulf of Mexico - and thousands of poor and middle class who depended on the fishing industry there.   We should not be setting up more scenarios for this to happen.  

Water rights need to be settled - without endangering the water supplies of the American people - and not simply given over to powerful corporations (of which their primary necessity is always profit for its shareholders).

'What we miss - from a distance' - new poem I wrote - Post 1 today @ 3:15 PM CST on my Facebook

02/10/2017 16:43

'What we miss - from a distance'
 new poem I wrote 2/8/17 @ 7:50 PM CST

The mountain remains
long before, long after...
you climb it.
You do not conquer the mountain -
although it may conquer you.

But Ive never scaled Neru
or Kilimanjaro (sp?)
Hood or McKinley,
as those who have.

What do I know about
part of the rocks, the height.
Not only clipped and anchored,
but bonded to, and through it.

I don't know how it feels
to have all the needed skills,
yet cling
on the edge
of Nature's precipice -
where safe
was never a thought,
or even a wisp of air.

I know the mountain will stand
(nearly) same as it was
before them.

But did I miss
that they become
part of it all,
when they clip,
and anchor in ?

Dusk on the River - new poem - logging out @ 4:54 PM CST - 2/9/17

02/09/2017 16:30

Dusk on the River
poem I wrote – 2/3/17 @ 7:20 PM CST

Brown light – in its infinite gage
drapes golden over substrate -
faces of trees - turning their façade.
Scale so gradual – the change is not seen
but noticed.

Ice lay like large shards -
broken by freeze and thaw -
and freeze.
Hard cold snaps it back together.
Water riffles yet below.
The slow-motion fish breathe.

Winter layered itself
week over week
in its push-push pull
to cover all it touches.

Fox, deer, coon - lay their feet
down to leave a trail
over the river
in a micro-layer of snowy flour.
The river flashes back
to how they moved through -
when and in what order –
thepersonality they brought –
the pauses they took.

A river is not water,
but everything there.

(once again - this is a poem about a sunset on the trees - so dont be reading your sick fantasies into it)


Notes today - Post 2 today @ 4:26 PM CST - 2/9/17

02/09/2017 16:26

I do not know of any woman that has tried to contact me. I have not communicated with anyone new in a long time. Ive gotten indications the sabotage network has communicated with people - pretending to be me.


A lot of jets in the air above Fairbank since yesterday when I posted.


Colonel Sanders was here when I arrived today. He left @ 3:43 PM CST. When he leaves early, he is usually up to something (sabotage network related).


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